Clayton Total Gym

Floor Guardian

Similar to Floor Guardian, but with a heavier cushioned rubber backing. Floor Guardian Big Gym#8482; Tiles are a portable, removeable gymnasium floor cover, which allows you to use your gym for other activities, which would otherwise damage the gym floor surface.

Floor Guardian Tiles, however, come as, well, big tiles, rather than in rolls.

Quickly and easily carted out and installed by a small crew, Floor Guardian Tiles are ready for your event setup in short order!

Breakdown is just as easily.

Floor Guardian Tiles provide unparalleled protection for your multi-use gym floor surface - meaning that you will need to resurface your wood gym floors far less often.

Translation: Big Savings in the long run!

Floor Guardian Tiles not only provide protection for your gym floor, they dampen sounds as well - useful for large gatherings.

100% MADE IN USA using recycled materials and 100% recyclable when disposed. Each tile is 36 inches by 72 inches (3 feet by 6 feet - 18 sq.ft. per tile) and weighs 8.1 lbs. per tile. Carts can hold up to 80 tiles each.

Floor Guardian Tiles come in 5 neutral colors, sure to match any color scheme!

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Clayton Total Gym
Clayton Total Gym

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Toll Free: 877-368-9564
Cell (Bart): 903-312-2662

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